The 80's- What a Decade!!!

The 80's- What a Decade!!!
The 80's!-- What a Decade

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Can't You See We're Open?

I like fast food. I do. I admit it. I'm not one of those people that say "Wendy's? Eeew, gross" Or, "I hate McDonalds" I'm honest with myself. I enjoy fast food and from time to time I will eat fast food. Now, I also enjoy not being 180 pounds overweight so I try to limit how much fast food I eat. I bring up fast food because just recently we had a Carl's Jr. open up near house.

Exciting, right?! No, not really. I don't consider a new fast food joint opening world breaking news. Happens everyday. And let's be honest... it's the grand opening of a place that is no different than about 10 million other places in the world. Well, don't tell that to the powers that be at Carl's Jr. The new restaurant near my house went all out. Above and beyond. You'd think this CJ opening was a Hollywood premiere. Seriously. For the past 2 weeks they've had that grand opening-bright as hell-triple moving light machine going. You know, so you can see the lights in the sky and you ask yourself "what's that?" And if you're really nerdy you'll ask your spouse or roommate to go outside and check it out. Crazy madness I tell ya. I mean maybe for the first 2-3 days they could have that thing going but it's been like 2 weeks now- all night they blast that thing. My question is, simply- Why?

To let us know they're open? I mean, really, it's not that hard to figure it out. The following makes it perfectly clear that this place is open for business!

The lights on the inside of the retaurant are turned on.
There's 4 cars in the drive thru.
There's a helium filled 2 story milkshake on the roof.
There are 10 cars in the parking lot.
There are people inside and we can see this through the glass windows.
There's steam/smoke coming from place.

I mean really. Are they trying to get people from 10-20 miles away to come to their restaurant? It's Carl's Jr. for goodness sakes! Fast food. These establishments are on every corner in America. I don't think the lights are going to make someone drive an extra 10 miles to get to their specific fast food place. It's the same old greasy slop for the same old prices as any other fast food place in America. I'm sure the people that live far away can find a 6 dollar combo much closer to home.

I don't know. Maybe they got the roller lights you-can-see-from-space machine for free. In any case I think it's pretty funny and truly unnecessary.

We get it Carl's Jr. You're open!

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