Dana- This blog is all yours…. Ok, lots of random things that happened recently in my life. I bought a motorcycle. My friend has one too. We started a Motorcycle Club. The club is called the Nevada A&M Motorcycle Club. You should join. We invited people on facebook to join the club. We even have shirts. We now have 9 members in our club. The funny part is that the 2 guys with bikes aren’t even on facebook. So I am now part of a motorcycle club that has 9 members, only 2 bikes, 4 yellow shirts, and we have never officially met. So cool. Who wouldn't want to join? Next...
3 days ago I caught 2 high school kids having sex behind my baseball field. I wish I could say it was romantic to see love blossoming like that but it wasn’t. It was on cement and there was nothing cool about it. Gross. I caught these two very-overweight pimple-faced hornballs right before they we’re going to go at it. They were two very large kids. Again, gross. The male had his pants down and was on top of the female. I asked them what the hell they were doing and their response was "uh, uh, uh we're at lunch..." I was flabbergasted. This is not a fake story but it is funny. If you’re reading this and want more info just call me. Next…
Well, about a week ago I got a life insurance policy. I have one already but this is another one. So now I have two. My wife will be just fine if I die. Ok, when you get one of these things they send a nurse out to you and run some tests. They weigh you, measure your waist and chest and height, take your blood pressure and ask you questions (Do you smoke? Is your dad and mom still alive? Do you like cheese?—stuff like that). They also make you pee in a cup and they take your blood. I was prepared for this, so when Carlos (my nurse that came out) came to my classroom during my lunch period, I began inquiring about the tests and why they take pee and blood. He could tell I had done this before and he could tell that I was cool. He told me that my chest was much bigger than my belly so I’m in good shape. I thought that was weird, but hey, pretty cool. Well, when I asked him about the blood/urine work and why they take it, he looked at me and he said: “honestly, the only thing they test for is to see if you have any coke or heroin or major drugs in your system. And they run your blood to see if you have AIDS.” I was like, “oh sweet, thanks for telling me, I’m sure I’ll qualify then for my 200,000 dollar policy then being as I don't have HIV and I'm fresh out of coke and heroin. "Thanks Carlos, happy Martes! See ya’ later Senor!” Next...
I've been getting a lot of random emails from Cole. At first I was so happy because Cole has never emailed me before so I was pretty excited to open his email. To my dismay Cole didn't want to say hi and catch up. It was a fake damn it! The email had a link that sent me to a pharmaceutical company. I was pretty sure Cole didn't take a new job with Advil or Bayer so I had to call him and tell him that he had been hacked. It also happened recently to like 4 other people I know, so I knew it was a fake email. Next and lastly...
One last thing that happened that I thought was funny. James, Reggin Jamez!, texted me the other day about something he did. It was impressive and hilarious all in one. I guess James emailed the Buffalo Bills front office about Graham Harrell (the kid that played QB for Tex Tech a couple years back- he was a stud). Anyway, he said something along the lines of:
Hello- I may be a little bias (I’m a TT alumn) but I think your organization should take a look at QB Graham Harrell because he is still available to pick up as he did not get drafted and your team could use him.
Well, lo and behold, Reggin James got an email back right away. The guy in charge of operations for the Bills thanked him for the advice and asked him if he could send some video of Harrell playing.
I’m not sure if that’s cool or pathetic on the Bills end of things but I thought it was hilarious that they actually emailed a random guy from Texas back.
Ok, Dana, sorry it's been so long. Baseball season is wrapping up soon and I'll blog my face off for you! Love you. Friends do this...