Well, I know it’s been a while since I last posted. I never started my blog with the intention of writing one every day or every week even, but this has been a long stretch and I do apologize to my 8 followers. I’ve been extremely busy. Baseball season, what can I say. This past weekend I went down to Northridge, California to see an old player of mine play a couple games. His team lost but it was great seeing him. He’s very good and it sounds like he’ll get drafted this summer so I’ll be following him.
Ok, everyone knows about the Mullet. I still have it. It’s been 8 days now since I’ve had it. It’s so bad. It gets stares everywhere I go. I even had a guy stop me in a bar and ask to take a picture of it. True story. My wife is a saint for allowing it. She really is, because it’s hideous. There is nothing cool about a mullet. But I’ve always been a confident cat, so it’s all good. If you want pictures just let me know but I’m pretty sure they're out there.
The reason I am blogging today is because I am sick and tired of these cheese ball bumper stickers that are out on the roadway. While we were driving in Liberalville- I mean, California- I noticed a lot of tacky bumper stickers. I don’t get it? This one guy had a bumper sticker that was written in 8 inch font. Now, correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t bumper stickers for other drivers to read? You don’t put a sticker on your car so you can read it, do you? I’m pretty sure my wife doesn’t have a Texas A&M sticker to remind her that she spent four years of her life there getting a degree. Erin has never said to me, “Derek, I forget, where did I go to school?”
You put these stickers on your car to show pride for your favorite sports team, or for a cause, or to honor your kid who got a couple A’s and B’s on his report card, or to give others your boss’ number if you’re driving like an ass, or to be funny and make people laugh. Right? The thing is though, if you put a sticker on your car- California guy BM14375- please be sure that we can read it without having to wave you over to the side of the road. The only reason I knew his sticker is because I’ve seen it before and he almost sideswiped us. It read: Yes, this is my truck. No, I won’t help you move. Yes, I know very cheesy.
I told Erin I want to make one for my truck: I’m borrowing this truck, but I will let my friend know you need help moving.
Until next time…
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