The 80's- What a Decade!!!

The 80's- What a Decade!!!
The 80's!-- What a Decade

Monday, July 19, 2010


Recently I(we) celebrated my first wedding anniversary. Whenever I tell people I’m married I always get the question: So, how’s married life? I answer: It’s good, lots of compromising, but I’m happy. And it’s the truth. I am happy. I enjoy marriage. But it is different. Things do change. A few things I didn’t know about being married. They’re not deal breakers but can try my patience from time to time :)

#1) If someone is coming over to your house, the house must be spotless. It doesn’t matter if it’s a friend you don’t like, your brother, or the pizza delivery man. If someone is coming over it’s clean time. My wife- and usually me- must begin cleaning like our lives depend on it. Dusting, mopping, wiping, scrubbing, etc. Clean, clean, clean. And hurry, we must clean as if someone is knocking on the door at the very moment we're cleaning. I don’t get it. Our house always looks relatively clean. Why does it have to look like we’re trying to sell it when someone’s coming over for two minutes? I can understand if someone’s coming over for dinner or staying for a couple nights, but we have to clean even if someone’s dropping by for only a second. For a while, I was telling my friends to just meet me in the garage. That made it easier, ha ha.

#2) Making the bed. Sorry, I’m not a bed maker. I haven’t been since I was like 9 years old and realized it was a waste of time. Making the bed is a wonderful way to teach responsibility to a kid. But I’m responsible now and I can pay my bills and go to work without making my bed. Really, why do it? Your bed is in your bedroom. No one sees your bed. And when you go to sleep at night you’re just going to mess it all up again. There are other ways to spend your six minutes than to be making the bed. My wife does it everyday. I rarely do it. I'll mow the lawn.

#3) The TV volume. I admit, I listen to my TV at a loud volume. Why do I do this? Because I can’t hear it! I’m not blasting the TV because I like to watch Saved by the Bell in rock concert form, I’m doing it because my hearing- quite frankly- sucks. It’s not my fault. I have bad ears. Always have. I think my wife thinks I’m doing it to be obnoxious. I’m really not. I just can’t hear it. And unfortunately our TV volume isn’t very good. Or is it? I wouldn’t know ☺

I love being married. I do. And no matter what I do to annoy my wife she always knows I try my best. And I’m not very stubborn. I will admit when I’m wrong and I will try to improve. But I will never understand the cleaning thing and the meaningless bed making. And there’s not a whole lot I can do about the TV volume. I’m sorry, my hearing sucks.

All in all, married life is good. And if these are the things we disagree on then I am sure we will be happily married for a very long time.


  1. Derek - Thanks for the insight on your marriage after Year 1. I'll be looking forward to a yearly post on how marriage will change you over the years. Glad to hear that Erin is doing her part to keep the house clean - I don't remember her cleaning much when we were growing up. I guess we are more like our mother as we grow older - haha! Anyway, I look forward to scheduling a visit out to Vegas so we can see your spotless house in person.

  2. Just don't raise your hand in anger...hahahahahahaha! :)
