The 80's- What a Decade!!!

The 80's- What a Decade!!!
The 80's!-- What a Decade

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

She Didn't Know...

After reading my friend Kelly’s blog I could only think of one thing: thank god for my penis. I don’t mean that in a vulgar way in any way, shape or form. I don’t. And I’m not saying that for a shock factor or to be gross. I’m saying it because I’m very happy I’ll never have to go through childbirth. The horror! Yikes. Great blog Kelly! Your blog was incredible and really made me wonder when I saw this TV show the other day...

Have you seen that show on TLC called I Didn’t Know I was Pregnant? I’m serious. I’m not making this up. It’s a real show. I watched an episode and the woman featured had no idea- not a clue- for 9 months of her life that something was growing inside of her? Then she had a stomachache, went to the potty, and Presto! Out came a baby. A boy. He was like 4.7 lbs.

How does one miss this? After what Kelly described I cannot imagine this happening to anyone, and yet they have a weekly television show about it. So it's happened to more than just one or two ladies. Ummmm, crazy! I was in awe the entire show. I had to double check the guide on my TV just to make sure I was watching what I thought I was watching. Incredible. No signs, no symptoms, no morning sickness, cramps, leakage, weight gain, swollen feet, headaches? Nothing. Really? Wow.

Well, Kelly, again, we appreciate the blog. I don’t think you’ve had one day in the last 6 months where you forgot you were with child. Heck, these ladies on this show are kind of lucky, huh? No idea they were pregnant until they had a stomachache and then a quick visit to the toilet and it’s all over. If it could only be so easy for all you brave souls out there that give birth. I gotta call my mom ☺

Don't believe me?

1 comment:

  1. Nice use of the word leakage. It made me giggle. And can you believe this show even exists? I saw an episode once last year and it was shocking. How can you not know? Totally agree with you on the penis and happy to not have childbirth in my repertoire.
