I know I haven't been blogging at the break neck pace that I started at- or the pace Mags would like- but life happens and I'm trying to keep my blogs quality. If I felt compelled to blog daily (like Doogie Howser M.D. did) then my followers (all 8 of them) would get bored because my blogs would be pretty boring. My day-to-day life isn't that exciting. I'm 30 years old, a public school teacher, a coach, married, bad hair, pale body, 2 dogs, etc. Not exactly Jersey Shore MTV material. Sorry guys :)
Just to give you a glimpse of what it would be like if I blogged daily. Here's what you would probably get...
My weekends (so today)-
I woke up at 6 in the morning. Well, really, I wake up at 6 every Saturday and Sunday morning. The dogs are up and I just can't sleep in anymore. Doesn't matter if I go out on Friday night, drink a few beers, eat Del Taco and get to bed at 2 with a head cold. I'll still be wide awake at 6. There are greater tragedies.
Ok, from 6:00-8:30 (or 9:30ish or sometimes 10ish) I sit on the couch and watch infomercials. I'm addicted to them. For goodness sakes someone buy me a Slap-Chopper thingy for my next birthday! Please!
Every 15 minutes from 6:15 til around 9 a.m. I give my wife "morning smoochers"- kisses. She thinks it's sweet but really I'm just trying to wake her up because I'm antsy, bored, and want someone to talk with me. Molly is the worst listener. Well, it never works. Erin can sleep in; her husband can't.
So I usually drink coffee, eat oatmeal, and browse craigslist for nothing in particular. At around 7:45 I start calling my friends. Sometimes, when I was a real jerk, I'd call my friends at like 6:45. But they didn't like that so I stopped.
I usually start with Mike O. because he's always awake. And usually he has a good story for me. He's one of my best friends in the world, and he's single, and he plays in a band. He's cool, and hearing him say 'hello' after a night where he's been out drinking is priceless! Sometimes Mikey has a really cool story. Last night, for example, he had 9-10 shots of whiskey, 7 New Castles, and then he swore to everyone at the bar that he was cool to drive. My guess is he probably didn't even know how to spell his own name after all that booze but you have to love him for trying. Oh, Michael! Well, Mike got a ride and avoided the big house. But he was still awake at 7:30 to take my call and that's why I love Mike. After Mike O. I usually call Chris Carque or Mike Bauder because they're also awake. My brother Jud and Kevin Fiddler are the worst. These two aren't ever awake until like 1 p.m. and by then I'm usually ready for my afternoon nap.
Now, after I have called my friends I may go to Fresh and Easy (I love that place) and get 4-5 bags of veggies, salad, white rice in a box (never a bag), wheat bread, bagels, eggs, ham and diet cokes. Then I'll come home and cook Erin something to eat for breakfast and serve it to her in bed. This is my last attempt to get her up- it usually works. I've found that a ham and cheese bagel sandwich is much more effective than my morning smoochers. Actually, Erin would eat her own shoe for breakfast if there was enough melted cheese on it. This is true.
It works out though, because I get brownie points for being a good hubby and bringing my wonderful wife breakfast in bed but really I'm just bored. Hopefully, Erin misses this blog :) And Amy- if you're reading- please keep my secret.
Ok, afternoon time. Well at around 1ish I'm ready for a nap and Erin is ready to take on the world and start her day. She's lucky we're not farmers- we'd starve. Erin usually walks the dogs, cleans the house, and calls her friends and family.
Now, for what I do after 3:30 on the weekends...ha ha. I'll stop now.
Are you bored yet? I am. So, this is why I don't blog on a daily basis people!
I have an idea....if you ever have an idea that you'd like to submit to me for blogging then please email me or let me know. If I blog about your idea I will give you proper credit (shout out!), and if it's a funny blog and I get comments on it then I will send you a Bonanza Baseball shirt. I know the coach.
And if you'd like me to add you on my weekend calling list then let me know. I start with Mike O. at 6:45 a.m. PST and then after that I have available slots open. Just let me know...
I'll end this blog with a HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIKE O'ROURKE. I LOVE YOU MAN. There's no one I'd rather call at 6:30 in the morning every weekend. Seriously, you're the man! Thanks for being the best!
Thanks for reading. Tell your friends....
Colts to cover....
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