The 80's- What a Decade!!!

The 80's- What a Decade!!!
The 80's!-- What a Decade

Saturday, February 20, 2010


As most of you know I am a school teacher. I enjoy my job. And I am very fortunate because A) I have a job. B) I like my job C) no matter how god awful this economy gets there will always be kids out there, so I'll probably always have a job.

Kids. They're funny. Most of them I enjoy. But some of them I just wonder. They're a lot of lost souls, clowns, morons, etc. out there.

I mean drug dealers, welfare leaches, murderers, con men and the riff-raff of society had to start somewhere, right?

Here's my theory on why kids turn out bad. You ready? Parents. Bad parents make bad seeds! Bottom line. That's not to say that if you're a great parent your kid will turn out to be Pat Sajak or Ghandi, but in most cases good people produce good people. Crap people produce crap people. Really, it's not rocket science. Sometimes- as with anything- something goes a little wrong. Sometimes crappy parents produce great people- see Oprah Winfrey. And sometimes decent parents produce psychos- see Mr. and Mrs. Dahmer. Because ultimately it's up the the individual to make his/her own way in life, which is why I hate people that makes excuses for themselves.

Unfortunately you do not need a license or a permit or permission to reproduce. After being in public education for several years now, and seeing some of these kids I like to call "winners", I think having a kid should require some sort of permission. I think you should have to have a certain amount of money in the bank before you can have a kid. I also think you should be a certain age. I also think a certain level of education should be required. If you can love and provide for your kid then go for it! Have one. Or two. Hell, why not three or four. But if you can't then please don't have them. Unfortunately there are no requirements, so you will continue to see "winners" wherever you go....

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