The 80's- What a Decade!!!

The 80's- What a Decade!!!
The 80's!-- What a Decade

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

P-Tart Fix!!!

Have you ever had a Pop Tart? Maybe it's been a few years or maybe it was a lifetime ago when you had one. Or maybe you're like me and never really cared for them. I'm more of a toaster strudel guy myself...

I sell these things (Pop Tarts- PT) in my classroom to raise funds for my baseball program. Honestly, I can't stomach them. Never have liked them. They're like crackers with guey processed preserves in them. Luckily I sell water too because when you eat a PT your mouth becomes an instant desert. They are awful. I've tried them toasted too- doesn't help.

I sell them for a buck and kids from all over the school know this. Hell, I even think kids that have graduated already and kids from different schools know I sell them. Before every class period they come from miles away for their PT fix. You'd think I was selling a hardcore narcotic. Some kids look like they have a serious addicition.... "I need a Pop Tart Mr. S!"... "Feed Me!"... "I'm starvin'!"... "You got the Tarts?!"...."I need a strawberry, I need a brown sugar!"... "Get me a PT ASAP!"....

Some kids don't even specify the flavor they want- I have a few. They just come in the room, throw the money on the desk, and I know what they want. Some buy 3-4 at a time. Some buy a PT, a fruity snacks (I have other addictions they want), a couple granola bars and a water. Some spend 4-5 bucks a day. Others fight, cheat and steal for the money. Some pay in quarters, dimes and nickels. Some pay with a credit card. No checks here. And never, NEVER, an IOU. This ain't no charity.

So if you need a gross, dry pastry that was invented by Kellog's in the late 1960s then just come to room 728 and I'll take care of that PT fix for ya'. Pop Tarts! Get your pop tarts!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE this blog! I just pictured you saying this whole blog in your "derek" voice. Also, thanks for the shout out in the previous blog! wow, 2 blogs in 2 days, keep it up!
